Sunday, September 26, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

I think that yesterday’s Scavenger Hunt was so interesting. I got to make friends with two people from my classmates and worked together as a team. The hunt was adventurous too, as it allows us to walk around the school and explore new places that we might not have known before.
If I get the chance to do the same hunt again, for sure I would try to make more us of the computer. In the end, when the hunt was over, I just realized that actually we could find most of the things in the list on computer. It is just that my group was not creative enough to think outside the box and just followed strictly to search what was written on the list.
The strategy that my group used was to find the easiest things to find first and save the harder ones for later. We also went to find things that are located nearer to our starting point first. This was meant so that we could at least secure some points from this assignment. In fact, the strategy worked pretty well. Everything seemed good when we looked for the easier things first. We felt good after we secured some points and it only encouraged us to get more points.
The problem that we faced was the short period of time that we were given. We were quite afraid that we could not get the minimum points required.
We came up with a solution to go to a common place in which we could find many things first, which was the library.
In this Scavenger Hunt, we need creativity to complete the task and we also work with different individuals with different creativities. And that reveals that in society each individual has their own different creativities.

Here are some things that we found during the hunt:

1) Bus Stop

2)A copy of James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time

3)Visual and Performing Arts Center

4)A student sleeping in the library

5)Jamba Juice

6)Computer with the screen on Creative Minds blog in the library west computer lab

7)Two Honda Civics of the same color, parked side by side in the parking lot


Monday, September 20, 2010

What is creativity?

Creativity is the use of one's imagination and original thought, especially to produce something which is artistic.
Here is a sample photo of something that is creative.
here is a sample photo of something creative in my opinion.The picture on the left shows a pot decorated with fresh flowers. Previously, this pot looks so empty,however, it looks lively after it was filled with these beautiful flowers. I suppose that the person who initiated this idea is very creative because he has successfully made the pot look lively and eye-catching. It makes the surrounding looks more vibrant.

On the other hand,I think that this second picture displays something that is not creative. The blue recycle bin looks ugly with its decoration. Perhaps the person who did this had the intention to beautify this recycle bin with some kind of graffiti.
but,as a result,the recycle bin became ugly and does not look appealing at all. He might as well leave the recycle bin in original condition.