Monday, November 15, 2010

IWA #6 Creating My Superhero

“The Invisible Man”, that’s what people call me. My task is to help people fight against crime, and create a secure feeling for the society. Some people even think I’m better than a police. Long story cut short, I am going to tell you how it all began. One night, I was attending a wedding party in a classic and scary castle with my fiancée. I was in my tuxedo at my friend’s wedding party. She was rich; She was a famous artist. Thus, she hired this one castle that was located in a remote area near a forest for her wedding so that paparazzi would not know and record the wedding.  It was a private party with only around a hundred people in total attending it.
On one occasion I had to excuse myself from the crowd to go in the restroom. There was one restroom nearby the main function room that was in renovation, while another one was located at the end of the hallway. The castle was dark and quiet. I didn’t dare to walk to the farther restroom so I purposely entered the restroom that was in renovation. It was dark, with only few yellow lamps near the mirror. As I was coming closer to the mirror, I was shocked as there was light coming from the mirror and there was a gravitational force that pulled me towards the mirror. I couldn’t pull myself away; I was pulled in to the mirror. After few seconds, I was thrown away out of the mirror. I thought I was lucky as nothing serious happened to me. When I came back to the main function room, people started to scream. They were shouting, “The ghost of this castle has come to disturb us!”
People started to run away from the castle and the wedding ceremony was ruined. In fact, people screamed as they thought they saw a ghost in tuxedo. It was me. I became invisible after I was pulled in and out of the mirror. This eerie happening later on spread on the news.  In fact, the restroom in which I entered had already been labeled ‘in renovation’ since the castle was first built. It was a haunted and mysterious room.  People who entered it had always disappeared.
         People were always frightened when they saw me on the street, so most of the time I hid myself. An idea suddenly struck my mind. Why won’t I use this invisible power to help people? From then on, I used my power to help fight against crime, although most of the time the people I helped also became frightened of me.


  1. 14 days experiment
    Your experiment is interesting and the documentation is excellent. Really thorough work.
