Sunday, October 10, 2010

IWA#2 Red Pill vs Blue Pill

If I were given the chance to choose between the red pill and the blue pill, I would have chosen the red pill for sure without any further thoughts, like what Neo did in ‘The Matrix’ movie. Firstly, I realized that these two pills indirectly reflects about the human’s characteristics. The blue pill represents a person who always accepts reality, never daring to make a move, and just follow the flow. On the other hand, the red pill represents a person who has the courage to face challenges in life.
I believe, most of us would choose the red pill like me for certain. It is our human nature that we always feel curious in everything. We use our imagination to think imagine things that we desire whether they are good or bad. Often times, we only expect the good things and never expect about the risks that follow. Neo experienced the same thing. When he was given the choice, he chose the red pill without any deliberation . Neo was curious about how cool the matrix world is but he never understood that because of the choice he made, he put himself into danger. Secret agents were chasing after him.
For me, personally, I am concordant with Neo’s decision. I am a kind of person who likes challenges as I think that life is boring without any challenges. I am always sure that I can handle these challenges. Yet, sometimes I feel that I have made a wrong decision. Many a time I think that I should not have taken these challenges in the first place. Unfortunately, in life, you can’t turn back the time and you can’t undo things that do not turn out in the way you wanted them to be. Regrets do arise and they always come late. In the middle, Neo did regret that he took the red pill at first. Taking the red pill seems fun at the beginning, but it only caused more troubles to him afterwards. However, there was no turning back for him. Earlier on, he was fully informed that once he made his decision, he had to go through the process. There was nobody influencing Neo. Thus, it was purely his decision. Another lesson that we can learn from this film is that, just like Neo, most of us are still careless in making decisions. Sometimes we don’t think twice about what will be the outcome of our action and what are the consequences. A simple mistake can actually lead into troubles.
Should I have taken the blue pill, I would not have any regrets either. I have had too much of an amazing experience. Yes, it’s true that swallowing blue pill causes the story of memorable journey to end, however it does not mean that I will totally lose all the memories of experience that I had. Who knows maybe I can use my imagination to create a much better virtual dream world in my dream, in my unconscious mind rather than if I have taken the red pill.
Afterall, it is never easy to make a decision. It is so funny that greed is a part of our human nature. If we were given the chance, most of ask would surely question if we can try both the red and the blue pills one after the other. However, in this case we can only try one. In the end, we will certainly end up with regrets regardless of which pill to choose. If we take the blue pill, we will regret why we didn’t take the red one, and vice versa. Human is never satisfied with what they have.

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