Sunday, October 31, 2010

IWA#4 My fashion history

My fashion crime began when I was in my first year of high school.  Previously, I was a just a timid boy who never cared about my fashion and was never updated with the latest fashion. However, everything changed as I entered my high school year. Before high school, I could not try any fashion because I was overweight. Although I liked some particular clothes and pants, I could not buy them because they don’t have the sizes for me. Soon, I realized that I needed to go on a diet.  I was aware that I needed to keep in shape for my high school years; I didn’t want my schoolmates to make fun of me because I am obese, like what happens on most TV shows nowadays. In fact, in the end, my diet was successful. I lost 20 pounds.
That moment was the turning point in my fashion history. I started trying different kinds of looks and updated myself with the style that was going on that time. Slim fit shirt, slim fit jeans, skinny pants, etc. I am a kind of person who likes to try new things, so this moment was the real deal for me, the time that I had been waiting for. Among all, the craziest thing that I ever did was to have a “bangs” haircut, which is basically having your fringe cut even. At that same time, Korean pop music was growing its popularity in the industry. Almost every teenager regardless of boy or girl was crazy about it, especially in my circle of friends. Most of the Korean guys had the bangs hairstyle, thus I was attracted to have the same hairstyle.
Everytime I went for a haircut, I always went by myself. So, one day, when I came back home after I got a haircut, my parents were deeply shocked to see me in my new “bangs” hairstyle. At first they thought that the barber had mistakenly cut my hair. So, I explained to them that there was nothing wrong with the barber and it was purely my decision to have this hairstyle. My mother was kind of confused to see why I decided to have a hairstyle similar to most of the girls in my school. She emphasized that my hairstyle was too girly. Similar things happened in school. Even worse, some of my friends made fun of my bangs hairstyle and called me gay because of my hairstyle. I was perplexed. Does having a bangs hairstyle, which some says girly, make a guy look gay? Not necessarily. Yes, it may look awkward, but I was just following the trend.
 I liked the changing process of fashion. As long as I’m comfortable with my style and it does not hurt others, why should other people’s comment too much about my style? I never really had my own style until one day, my aunt gave me an advice which made me realized something. She was telling me not to follow the trend in the market, but rather I myself should set the trend for others to follow. Back then, I did not really know what my aunt was telling me. But most importantly, I knew that I had to develop my own style. Fashion is like an icon or identity. I myself don’t have a wonderful sense of fashion. Most of the time, I only wear something that I feel comfortable of wearing. Even though some may look down on my fashion, I don’t care about it much, as I believe that fashion is a way to express yourself. Of course, everyone has his/her own way to express him/herself, and that makes each of us unique.

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